More about Toll Free Numbers/800 numbers

More about Toll Free Numbers/800 numbers

Toll Free Numbers are also generally called 800 numbers worldwide, though their pattern can have other varieties, e.g. 888, 877, 866, 1800, 122, 0066, 400, etc., instead of simply starting with 800. 800 numbers become a representative name universally as they are the first toll free numbers born a half century ago.

In China, 800 numbers refer to traditional toll free numbers, restricted to landline only. Owing to this, 400 numbers were introduced and took precedence over 800 numbers. 400 numbers (or known as 400 China numbers/China 400 numbers) are both fixed line and mobile accessible; thus, being widely adopted in China by a large number of enterprises to establish extraordinary customer service hotlines and build up their business reputation. 400 numbers are divided into 4001 (China Mobile), 4006 (China Unicom) and 4008 (China Telecom).

Toll free numbers do not only help you build up a professional enterprise image, but also give more chances for potential clients to approach your company. To a greater or lesser extent, this brings you unexpected business opportunities !

Posted in GVMHK.