Intelligent Routing Features


There are generally 4 types of intelligent routing features :

1. Time-of-Day Routing
Time-of-Day Routing allows inbound calls to be picked at various locations according to the time slot predesignated. For example, from 9-6 p.m. on Monday to Friday, customers can pick up their calls in offices. In non-office hours, those calls can be forwarded to other destinations or mobile phones, helping reduce the rate of missing calls. For customer services purpose, inbound calls can be directed to call centres located at different countries based on different time zones or staff working on the corresponding shift. Therefore, enterprises can be always ready to serve their clients around the clock to maintain their service promise !

2. Percentage Allocation Routing
Percentage Allocation Routing divides all inbound toll free calls through an intelligent platform into approximate even percentages to different call pick up destinations automatically according to their call handling capacity. This routing feature distributes calls into different streams to avoid line busy or congestion.

3. Alternate Destination Routing
When an inbound call is not answered within a certain duration, alternate destination routing can help transfer the call to other lines or back up offices so as not to keep clients waiting long or unanswered, especially for those customer oriented enterprises emphasizing on an agile response to customers. This routing feature is widely adopted by many call centres or enterprises in their customer service hotlines.

4. Black/White List
Black List and White List can be created based on area codes or phone numbers. The former enables you to block those undesirable numbers, such as spam calls, prank calls and all kinds of nuisance calls in order to remove obstacles while serving your clients. Meanwhile, the latter helps generate a list of contacts that you only allow them to call in. This routing feature can be used in VIP lines of loyalty programs or VIP programs to serve enterprises』 VIP clients.

Posted in GVMHK.